Describing the population demographics


Vulnerable Populations

The purpose is to demonstrate your understanding of the impact of vulnerable populations on the U.S. health care system. This will require that you research community databases that support the demographics and the primary, secondary, and tertiary health implications for the vulnerable population. This information will serve as a foundation for evaluating the risk to the U.S. health care system posed by these populations now and in the future.

Address these questions for the vulnerable population of the homeless:

  • Description of the population demographics for your selected vulnerable population: The demographics should include gender mix, race or ethnicity, income level, and education level broken down by age group.
  • Explanation of why this population is classified as vulnerable.
  • Determination of what challenges make this population vulnerable.
  • Identification of the impact of this population on the health care system.
  • Analysis of how stakeholders in various sectors of the American health care system are affected by this population.
  • Description of how the health care system can best serve this population.
Your answer must be typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides, APA format.

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Other Subject: Describing the population demographics
Reference No:- TGS01904367

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