
Describing steps in natural language processing

1) Write detailed note on “Non linear planning using constraints posting”.

2) What do you mean by Reactive System?

3) Resolve the following block word problem:

Start on (C,A) goal on (A,B)
On table (A) on (B,C)
On table (B)

4) Write down the Steps in natural Language processing? Describe them in detail.

5) Describe “Winston’s Learning Program” in detail.

6) Describe the following:

I. Learning in problem solving.
II. Learning from example.
III. Explanation based Learning

7) Describe “Formal Learning Theory” in detail.

8) Describe the following terms with reference to biological n/w

I. Fault Tolerance.
II. Adaptability.
III. Requirement of hidden layer.
IV. Squashing function.
V. Activation potential.
VI. Bios.
VII. Brain plasticity.
VIII. Perception.

9) Describe the back propagation of error in multilayer network in detail with suitable example..

10) Describe the basic architecture of an expert system. Also write down its applicability of different areas with appropriate examples.

11) Write detaile note on.


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Computer Engineering: Describing steps in natural language processing
Reference No:- TGS011586

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