Answer the following questions.
1. Give the example of each of the factors of production and how the government might alter the factor to expand productive ability of the economy? Provide a chart if necessary?
2. Describe the concept of comparative advantage. How does this concept describe that it is advantageous for the US to trade with a country at the markedly lower level of technological development? Provide a chart if necessary?
3. Describe how a minimum wage might allow for more discrimination to occur in a workplace. Is this a certain conclusion? What market conditions would mitigate this outcome? Provide a chart if necessary?
4. Describe the assumptions behind the model of perfect competition? Provide a chart if necessary?
5. Describe the sources of the recent housing price “bubble”? Provide a chart if necessary?
6. Using the PPF and Circular Flow models explain how a government shutdown would likely alter the short- and longrun health of the economy? Provide a chart if necessary?