1) Describe the following with example: Bond length, Bond angle & Torsional angle.
2) Describe SMILES notation and MOL format in detail.
3) What are the applications of chem-informatics in drug designing?
4) Describe the functions of finger print with detailed illustrations.
5) Describe how are structural data stored in the database? Describe the significant data Storage organisations available now.
6) How proteins are categorized using PDB format?
7) Describe the kinds of coordinates usually used to represent position of atoms.
(ii) Write detailed notes on:
(a) Strong bonds
(b) weak bonds
8) What do you mean by structure? Write down suitable example.
9) What do you mean by substructure search?
10) Write down the types of bitstring or binary screen available?
11) Write down the significant difference between structural key and finger print.