
Describing refractive index of lens antenna

1) Write down the different feeds used in reflectors.

2) Write down the various types of horn antennas.

3) Describe refractive index of lens antenna in detail.

4) What do you mean by secondary antennas? Write down examples?

5) Describe the various types of lens antenna?

6) Describe the radiation from a rectangular aperture in detail.

7) Describe the radiation from the elemental area of a plane wave or describe the radiation from a Huygen’s source?

8) Explain the parabolic reflector used at micro frequencies?

9) Write detailed notes on Lunenburg lens.

10) Describe in detail about spherical waves and biconical antenna.

11) Deduce the different field components radiated from circular aperture and also determine beam width and effective area?

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Electrical Engineering: Describing refractive index of lens antenna
Reference No:- TGS011193

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