
Describing pulse to pulse-dwell prf stagger with waveforms

1) Deduce the matched filter frequency response by using the Schwartz inequality.

2) Explain the working of zero crossings detector, logarithmic detector and coherent detector in detail.

3)(a) Write down the factors responsible for integration loss.

(b) Write down the properties of continuous fourier transform and discrete fourier transform. Describe them in detail.

4)(a) Design and write detailed notes on a DFT butterfly.

(b) Describe fast correlation with suitable block diagram.

5) Describe pulse to pulse, dwell prf stagger with waveforms.

6)(a) Describe the active augmentor with selectable phase shift by using diagram.

(b) Write detailed notes on stationary calibration targets.

7) Describe the theory of parallel microprogrammed processor in moving target detection for infrared airborne radars.

8) Describe the theory of the following:

(a) SAR processor

(b) JDL processor

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Electrical Engineering: Describing pulse to pulse-dwell prf stagger with waveforms
Reference No:- TGS013594

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