
Describing proximate analysis of coal

1) Write down the composition and uses of producer gas in detail.

2) What do you mean by leaded petrol? Explain why leaded petrol must not be used?

3) What do you mean by producer gas and water gas?

4) Explain in detail about all coking coals are caking coals but all caking coals are not coking coals.

5) What do you mean by GCV and LCV of a fuel in detail?

6) Write down the uses of flue gas analysis in detail.

7) Compute the volume of air (volume % of oxygen inair = 21) necessary for complete combustion of one litre of CO.

8) What is meant by LPG? Write down its composition.

9) What is meant by CNG? Write down its primary components

10) Describe proximate analysis of coal in detail.

11) Explain how is ultimate analysis of coal carried out in detail?

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Chemistry: Describing proximate analysis of coal
Reference No:- TGS011818

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