Answer the following questions.
Question 1) What do you mean by stabilization of operating point?
Question 2) Derive the expression for the gain of negative feedback amplifier.
Question 3) What is maximum power hyperbola? Describe.
Question 4) How can the amount of distortion introduced in class-B operation be eliminated?
Question 5) Mention any four applications of sine and square wave oscillator.
Question 6) Describe masking and etching process.
Question 7) Describe the working of OP.AMP based sign changer.
Question 8) Describe the functioning of subtacting amplifier.
Question 9) Draw the two stage RC coupled amplifier show the low frequency model for one stage . Deduce the expression for lower 3dB frequency.
Question 10) Explain the general characteristics of negative feedback amplifier.
Question 11) Compute the maximum efficiency of a transformer coupled single stage transistor power amplifier stage (class - A).
Question 12) Sketch the astable multivibrator circuit and describe its operation. Deduce the expression for time period of oscillation.
Question 13) Draw Handling oscillator circuit and describe it’s working. Derive the expression for the frequency of oscillations.
Question 14) Describe in detail the fabrication of Bipolar Junction Transitor in an Integrated circuit (IC). Why transformer could not be fabricated?
Question 15) Describe the working of the following OP-AMP circuits. Derive the expressions for their gain
(i) Inverting Amplifier.
(ii) Non-inverting amplifier.
Question 16) Draw differentiation circuit and demonstrate that output voltage is directly proportional to the derivative of the input voltage.