Question 1) State and describe duality theorem with appropriate example.
Question 2) Convert (AF)16 = ( ___ )8 = ( ___ )10
Question 3) What are pairs and Quads? Describe with suitable example.
Question 4) Describe on pos form of expressions.
Question 5) With a logic diagram and truth table, describe the Half Subtractor circuit.
Question 6) What in an encoder? Describe its working.
Question 7) Describe the operation of D-flip flop.
Question 8) Write a short note on A/D accuracy and resolution.
Question 9) Describe the various codes in detail.
Question 10) State and prove De Morgan’s theorem.
Question 11) Using K map, simplify the following expression in four variables w, x, y and z.
m2+ m3+ m5+ m6+ m7+ m9+ m11+ m13.
Question 12) Convert the following expressions to SOP form.
(a) (A + B) (B+ C) (A+ C)
(b) (A + C) (AB+ AC) (AC+B)
Question 3) Write in detail the operation of:
(a) Full adder.
(b) Full subtractor with appropriate truth tables.
Question 14) Explain in detail 4:1 Multiplexer, and 1:4 demultiplexer action.
Question 15) With a appropriate block diagram, describe the working of decade counter.
Question 16) Describe the working of dual slope A/D converter.