
Describing indirect addressing and immediate addressing

1) What do you mean by system software?

2) Write down some applications of operating system.

3) Describe compiler, interpreter and loader in detail.

4) Explain the requirement of MAR register.

5) Describe indirect addressing and immediate addressing in detail with suitable example.

6) Write down any two CISC and RISC machine.

7) Let the instructions in SIC/ XE programming given below:

10 1000 LENGTH RESW 4

Determine the value assign to symbol NEW

8) Write down the difference between instructions LDA # 3 and LDA THREE.

9) Write down the sequence of instructions to carry out operation BETA = ALPHA + 1 by using SIC Instructions and SIC/XE instructions.

10) What do you mean by upward compatibility?

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Computer Engineering: Describing indirect addressing and immediate addressing
Reference No:- TGS011552

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