
Describing husenberg principle of uncertainity

Answer the following questions.

Question 1)(a) What are continuous and characteristic X-rays? How is the continuous X-ray spectrum and its short wavelength limit explained.

(b) An X-ray photon is found to have its wave length doubled on being scattered through 90º. Determine the energy of incident photon. (mass of electron = 9 × 10-31Kg).

Question 2)(a) Find the coherence length for white light, the wavelength of white light ranges from 400nm to 700nm.

(b) Distinguish between spontaneous and stimulated emission by taking appropriate examples. Which of them is applicable to laser action, and why.

Question 3)(a) A 20 km long fibre cable has loss of 2 dB/Km and connector loss of 0.6 dB/Km. Determine the total loss.

(b) Derive an expression for pulse broadening due to intermodal dispersion in multimode step index fibre.

Question 4)(a) A particle of rest mass m0 moves with a speed c/2. Calculate its mass, momentum, total energy and kinetic energy.

(b) Describe the concept of Einstein’s time dilation. Deduce the necessary relation.

Question 5)(a) compute the wave number of 10kV neutrons.

(b) Describe Husenberg’s principle of Uncertainity.

Question 6)(a) Write down advantages of synthesizing nano material using So-gelmethod?

(b) Advocate the utility of fullerene structure in reference to the synthesis of nanotubes.

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Physics: Describing husenberg principle of uncertainity
Reference No:- TGS08105

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