Question 1) Answer the following questions in detail:
a) What do you understand by semantics?
b) What do you understand by normal Form?
c) Differentiate between fact and predicate.
d) What is Clausal Normal Form?
e) What do you mean by logic Programming?
f) What do you understand by search rules?
g) Define Structural Induction.
h) Define recursion.
i) Define SLD Tree.
j) Define Structured data representation.
Question 2) Write a detailed note on Cut and Negation.
Question 3) Describe Fuzzy logic neural networks.
Question 4) Describe Unification in detail.
Question 5) Describe Execution Model.
Question 6) Describe Horn Clause in detail.
Question 7) Compare Logic Programming with PROLOG'.
Question 8) Write detailed note on Following:
(a) Validity.
(b) World Knowledge representation'
Question 9) Describe the connection of logic and logic programming.