
Describing functions of 8-bit parallel interface

1)(i) Describe the fundamental organization of microprogrammed control unit and generation of control signals by using microprogram.

(ii) Write down the advantages and disadvantages of hardwired and microprogrammed control.

2)(a)(i) Explain the function of cache memory in pipelined system in detail.

(ii) Explain the influence of pipelining on instruction set design.

(b) What do you mean by instruction hazard? Describe the methods for dealing with the instruction hazards.

3)(a) (i) What are the various secondary storage devices? Explain the devices in detail.

(ii) Describe how the virtual address is changed into real address in a paged virtual memory system with suitable example.

b)(i) Describe approaches for addressing multiple-module memory systems with appropriate diagrams.

(ii) Explain magnetic disk principles and also describe the organization and accessing of data on a disk in detail.

4)(a)(i) Explain the hardware mechanism for handling multiple interrupt requests in detail.

(ii) What do you mean by handshaking signals? Explain the handshake control of data transfer during input and output operation.

(b) (i) What are the requirements for input-output interface? Describe the functions of 8-bit parallel interface in detail.

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Computer Engineering: Describing functions of 8-bit parallel interface
Reference No:- TGS010397

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