
Describing different types of pitched roof coverings

1. a. Write down the six significant points to be considered during selecting a site for construction of Dam.

b. Explain differential leveling with a neat sketch.

2. Explain with neat sketch the different types of piles.

3. List out the different types of bond in brick wall and explain any three in detail.

4. Draw a neat sketch of a reinforced cement concrete column and explain.

5. Explain the types of floor suitable for residential and commercial building.

6. Explain briefly the different types of pitched roof coverings.

7. Define Dam, Bridge and classify them

8. What are the basic components of a bridge?

9. Define beam, column and Lintel.

10. Classify the types of column based on its conditions.

11. State the purpose of plastering.

12. What is the purpose of reinforced concrete?

13. Describe factor of safety in detail.

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Civil Engineering: Describing different types of pitched roof coverings
Reference No:- TGS011770

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