
Describing cetane number and cetane rating of diesel oil

1. Describe the ranking of coal in detail.

2. Write down the difference between proximate and ultimate analysis.

3. What do you mean by the term “Fixed carbon”?

4. What do you understand metallurgical coke?

5. Write down the characteristics of metallurgical coke.

6. What do you mean by refining of petroleum? Describe in detail.

7. What do you understand by hydrogenation of coal?

8. Describe octane number of petrol in detail. Describe how can it be improved?

9. What do you mean by cetane number or cetane rating of diesel oil? Describe how can it be improved?

10. Explain how water gas is better to producer gas?

11. Write down the causes of knocking in internal combustion engines?

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Chemistry: Describing cetane number and cetane rating of diesel oil
Reference No:- TGS011814

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