
Describing canonical form of state model

1. What are the properties of state transition matrix?

2. Write down the solution of homogeneous state equations?

3. Write down the solution of non-homogeneous state equations?

4. What do you mean by eigen values and eigen vectors?

5. Write down the properties of eigenvalues.

6. What do you mean by similarity transformation?

7. Describe controllability and observability.

8. What do you mean by pole placement by state feed back?

9. What do you is meant by state observer?

10. Describe the need for state observer.

11. What do you understand by diagonalization?

12. Write down the possible state assignment for the following electrical system?

13. What do you mean by canonical form of state model?

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Other Engineering: Describing canonical form of state model
Reference No:- TGS011595

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