
Describing bresenham-dda algorithm and raster scan display

Question 1)a) Write brief note on:

i) Scanner

ii) Digitizer

iii) Touch panel

b) Describe DDA circle drawing algorithm in detail.

Question 2)

a) Describe Random scan display and Raster scan display.

b) Describe Bresenham's line drawing algorithm. Using Bresenham's algorithm draw line from (1, 1) to (5, 3).

c) Define following terms:

i) Pixel

ii) Refresh rate

iii) Display file interpreter.

Question 3)a) Consider square A(0, 0), B(0, 10), C(10, 10), D(10, 0). Rotate the square about fixed point R(10, 10) by an angle 45o counter clockwise followed by uniform scaling by 2 units.

b) Describe cancave and convex polygons. Write pseudo-c algorithms for 8-connected boundry fill algorithm.

Question 4)a) Why there is need of Inverse transformation? Derive matrix for Inverse transformation.

b) Describe different methods for testing a pixel inside of polygon.

c) Describe Run length encoding.

Question 5)a) What is segment? Describe segment table and how to perform delete operation on segment.

b) Describe Sutherland-Hodgman polygon clipping algorithm.

Question 6)a) v any two text clipping techniques.

b) Describe viewing transformation in detail.

c) Describe how is segmentation used in Animation.

Question 7)a) Describe parallel projections in detail with transformation matrix.

b) Obtain 3-Dimensional transformation matrices for

i) Translation

ii) Scaling

iii) Rotation about an orbitrary axis.

Question 8)a) Describe the 3-D viewing process with various 3-D viewing parameters.

b) What is the need of 3D clipping and windowing algorithm? Describe any one 3-D clipping algorithm.

Question 9)a) Describe binary space partition algorithm for hidden surfaces.

b) Why hidden surface algorithms are needed? How does Z-buffer algorithm determines which surfaces are hidden?

Question 10)a) Explain the following:-

i) Diffused illumination.

ii) point source illumination.

b) Write brief note on:-

i) Shadow

ii) Transparency

iii) Ray tracing

Question 11)a) Describe various methods for controlling animation.

b) Explain fractal. Give any two suitable examples of fractals.

c) Why is cubic form chosen for representing curves?

Question 12)a) Describe real-time animation with color tables.

b) What is interpolation? Describe Lagrangian interpolation method

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Computer Graphics: Describing bresenham-dda algorithm and raster scan display
Reference No:- TGS05644

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