
Describing basic architecture in ieee 802 system

1) What do you mean by data gathering sensor networks?

2) Describe Event detection sensor networks in detail.

3) Describe in detail about the following:

a) RFID transponder and reader architecture.

b) RFID tags

c) Types of tags

4) Describe about sensor node architecture in detail.

5) Describe in detail about sensor network architecture.

6) Describe the applications of wireless sensor networks in detail.

7) Describe the application of RFID technologies

8) Write down the features of IEEE 802.11.

9) Explain the components used in IEEE 802.11-System in detail.

10) What is the basic architecture in IEEE 802.11 system?

11) Describe the application classes of the Bluetooth synchronization classes.

12) Write down the ways followed in WPAN-IEEE802 15.4-data transmission.

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Computer Engineering: Describing basic architecture in ieee 802 system
Reference No:- TGS011350

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