
Describing banker algorithm for deadlock avoidance

Question 1) What do you mean by CPU scheduling? Explain the characteristics of CPU scheduling algorithms.

Question 2) What is critical section? Write down the algorithm to solve the critical section problem for n processes.

Question 3) Briefly describe internal and external fragmentation with appropriate example.

Question 4) What is deadlock and what are the essential conditions for deadlock? Also, distinguish between deadlock prevention and deadlock avoidance.

Question 5) Describe how files are organized in UNIX.

Question 6) What is a process? Describe how the process structure is used to determine the different parts of a process.

Question 7) What do you mean by exception and how exceptions are handled in Windows NT?

Question 8) Explain the role of I/O manager in Windows NT.

Question 9) Write down the advantages and disadvantages of dynamic loadable modules?

Question 10) Describe the Linux device driver system in detail.

Question 11) What are the typical components of operating systems? Describe the ways by which these components are interconnected and melded into a kernel.

Question 12) What do you mean by deadlock avoidance? Describe the Banker’s algorithm for deadlock avoidance with appropriate example.

Question 13) Explain different interprocess communication mechanisms in UNIX.

Question 14) What is virtual memory? Describe how the virtual address is translated into real address in Windows NT.

Question 15) Describe Linux process model and thread model in detail.

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Operating System: Describing banker algorithm for deadlock avoidance
Reference No:- TGS07189

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