
Describing and comparing racial and class inequalities in

Memo: Combining datasets and contingency tables

On Blackboard, you will find three data sets in the memo 4 folder. The dataset, school1.dta, contain data on kindergarteners attending a randomly selected group of schools in the United States. The dataset, school2.dta, contain data on kindergarteners attending different randomly selected schools in the US. The dataset, childoutcomes1.dta, contains data on the academic performance of children in these two data sets.

Part I.  Combine the three datasets.

1) Use the append command to combine children from school1.dta with children from school2.dta. Save this data and call the data, school3.dta.

2) Use the merge command to combine data on children's academic performance contained in childoutcomes1.dta to the new dataset, school3.dta, which contains all children from school1 and school2. Save this data and call them final.dta.

3) Run these commands using a dofile and include the logfile that is generated with your assignment.

Part II. Describing and comparing racial and class inequalities in children's academic performance

In this section, we will consider two sources of inequality-class and race. To what extent are race and social class associated with differences in children's academic performance? How do racial differences in children's performance compared to class differences in children's performance? To consider these two questions, we will analyze four variables, "WKSESL", "race", "reading" and "math." Children's academic performance is measured by "reading" and "math." Social class can be measured using "WKSESL." WKSESL is a continuous measure of family social class. This variable is a composite score derived from parents' education, parents' occupational prestige and family income. Higher values indicate higher social class. Write 1-2 pages describing the results. Place tables in appendix. All tables should be numbered and have a title.

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Database Management System: Describing and comparing racial and class inequalities in
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