
Describing a qualitative data coding process

Project description: Describing a Qualitative Data Coding Process, code create the transcript for analysis,

Provide the results of your coding process, using a diagram to present your findings. Your diagram could be in a matrix format (table) or a concept chart (node network). Refer to your resources explaining how to graphically display qualitative findings.

Your submitted report should include the following:

Description of your coding process
Topical coding scheme (list of topics; code book)
Diagram of findings (topics and themes)
Brief narrative summary of findings referring to your graphic diagram
Appendix with coded transcripts in one of the following formats:
A Word document showing color-coded codes
A Word document using the comments function to indicate codes
An output file from qualitative software

Coding Interviewing process:

Researchers perform interviews to collect information and answer specific research questions. However, interview responses have to be stored in pertinent, accessible, and usable format. The stored interview responses should significantly contribute to the research findings and results, which mean that they have to be separated from irrelevant information. Coding responses follows a defined format, which include data preparation, topical coding, pattern identification and evaluation of the reliability of the coding process.

Data preparation mostly involves transcribing interview responses and organizing the resulting transcripts in chronological order (Easterby-Smith, Thorpe & Jackson, 2012). Interview responses are transferred from one format to another to improve usability and accessibility of relevant information. Data preparation mostly involves the use of software programs such as word processors. Prior to coding, researchers have to define the resulting coding categories. Independent coders can pretest coding categories to identify areas that need revision (Gorden, 1992). The identified coding categories should be more abstract to incorporate all relevant information from interview responses.

The paper you will need:

Category symbols should be used in the representation of the identified coding categories. The exercise allows researchers to summarize, condense, and store relevant research data in each category (Gorden, 1992). It allows for topical coding and proper organization of all summary notes. The classification of relevant information relies on the interview method employed, the percentage of nonpertinent information, degree of abstraction of the coding categories, and nature of interview data received. All relevant information from transcripts can be underlined and entered into the relevant coding categories. Coding sheets are used for classifying information under the corresponding categories.

Coders have to identify patterns and emerging themes in the coding process in order to ensure only pertinent information is entered into the coding sheets. Underlining relevant words, sentences or phrases allow for the categorization of the transcribed data (Gorden, 1992). Once the data is categorized, coders can readily compare information from different interviewees. Testing coding reliability involves assessing the variation in the coding of the same interview material from independent coders. In short, it involves a systematic comparison of materials from independent coders. Researchers measure reliability by assessing the percentage of agreement, as well as the coefficient of reliability (Gorden, 1992).

Coding interview responses allows for the storage of all relevant data in a usable and accessible format. It also allows for the elimination of irrelevant information from interview materials and subsequent classification of interview information into coding categories. It involves data preparation, pattern identification, topical coding, summarization of notes, and measurement of reliability.

Come up with responses that you can use for coding.

Create a document that includes the following:

The paper should be 8 pages (single-spaced) in length.

Cover and a Works Cited page are also required. These are not included in the page count.

The Cover page must include an appropriate title and your name.

Use the Works Cited page to correctly cite and reference any sources you use with APA format.

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Reference No:- TGS01430761

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