
Describing 2-way infinite tape and multi-tapeturing machine

1. What do you mean by (a) recursively enumerable languages (b) recursive sets?

2. When do you mean by checking off symbols used in TM?

3. What do you mean by a multihead TM?

4. Describe in detail about 2-way infinite tape TM.

5. What do you understand by a multi-tape Turing machine?

6. What do you mean by a multidimensional TM?

7. When the recursively enumerable language is said to be recursive? Is it true that language accepted by the non-deterministic Turing machine is different from recursively enumerable language?

8. Write down the properties of recursive enumerable seta which are not decidable?

9. What do you mean by a universal language Lu?

10. Write down the properties of r.e sets are which are not r.e?

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Theory of Computation: Describing 2-way infinite tape and multi-tapeturing machine
Reference No:- TGS011538

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