


In class we will watch several frontline episodes that document events during, and leading to, the 2008  meltdown. In an effort to solidify that experience, along with the related topics, there is a paper due at  the end of the term. This paper is worth approximately 10% of the total available points


Minimum of 8 Pages

APA rules apply

Deliver a hard copy to me at the beginning of class on the last night of class AND turn in a soft copy via the Final Paper turn-it-in link in moodle.

Answer the following Questions:

What happened?

Connect at least three major concepts that you learned in class to the events surrounding the "crash"

Who were the major players?

Why did the "crash" happen?

Who, if anyone, is responsible for the crash?

Describe the attempts to mitigate the situation(s). Were they successful or not?

How did the world suffer / react to the situation?

How might this type of situation be avoided in the future?

Solution Preview :

Prepared by a verified Expert
Other Subject: Describetheattemptstomitigatethesituation
Reference No:- TGS01127735

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