
Describes your plan for success in your profession but also

Career Plan

Your career plan not only describes your plan for success in your profession but also details a code of ethics that will govern your career and work decisions. This assignment requires you to demonstrate an understanding of the lecture and reading materials by applying what you have learned to create a personal career plan and code of ethics for your success.


Study the lecture and reading assignments related to a code of ethics and career plans.

Using the standards of professional practice from your textbook, AIGA Professional Practices in Graphic Design, create a list of the top five ethics you will follow while conducting a career search. The standards in the textbook are not specifically related to a career search-your assignment is to read and understand the standards and determine how they might be repurposed specifically for a career search.

Title the list "My Code of Ethics" and number the standards from 1 through 5.

Using what you learned in the lecture, create a career plan that includes the following:

Your ultimate goal. This will include (1) your job title or description, (2) the type of business you will work for, and (3) where you will work.

The logical steps you will take to achieve your goal. Number each step. You should include how long you estimate you will spend to accomplish each step.

Title the career plan "My Career Plan."

Combine the code of ethics and your career plan into a single Microsoft Word document.

Check the spelling and grammar of the document and correct any errors.

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Dissertation: Describes your plan for success in your profession but also
Reference No:- TGS02359816

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