*** Watch the movie "12 angry men" from 1957.. you can find it on YouTube. ***
Write 2 pages ( no less than 500 words ).. follow the instructions:
Introduction: The introduction is a separate paragraph that thoroughly summarizes the film and engages the reader with specific details.
Class Discussion: Describes two or more comments from the class discussion and reflects on their significance (can include reflection on a single dialogue between multiple students, as long as both sides of the dialogue are reflected upon).
Second Paragraph: The second paragraph offers significant details about the author's assigned juror and also engages the reader with specifics on the author's reaction to their assigned juror.
Third Paragraph: The third paragraph fully engages the reader by discussing with significant detail and specific supporting examples the guilty/not guilty votes and also the author's observation of persuasion tactics.
Fourth Paragraph: The author expounds upon their personal experiences with persuasion and notes a connection with their personal background and experiences; and using supporting examples and details, discusses individual needs versus obligations to society.
Conclusion: The conclusion is a thorough explanation of what has been learned and how the author has been impacted by the experience and also includes the importance of diversity, the promotion of justice and peace.