
Describes the peaceful relations between aryan cousins

Question 1 The use of fire may have begun about:

A. 2,000,000 years ago.
B. 500,000 years ago.
C. 100,000 years ago.
D. 25,000 years ago.

Question 2 The central aspect of the Neolithic Revolution was the:

A. first development of hunter gatherer cultures.
B. successful invasion of northwestern Africa by Turkish nomads from central Asia.
C. emergence of systematic food production through the domestication of plants and animals.
D. use of fire and the cooking of food.

Question 3 The people who created the first Mesopotamian civilization were the:

A. Sumerians.
B. Akkadians.
C. Egyptians.
D. Babylonians.

Question 4 Which of the following is UNTRUE about the Code of Hammurabi?

A. Public officials had numerous responsibilities.
B. It incorporated a system of consumer protection.
C. The largest category focused on marriage and the family.
D. Hammurabi's code did not mention women.

Question 5 Which of the following is NOT correct about the pyramids?

A. They were tombs for the pharaohs.
B. They were constructed during the Middle Kingdom.
C. They were symbols of royal power.
D. The most magnificent of the pyramids was constructed about 2500 B.C.E.

Question 6 Egyptian hieroglyphs:

A. used sacred characters as picture signs.
B. employed the use of an alphabet.
C. were written only on a paper made from papyrus reed and oak bark.
D. were introduced by the Amorites.

Question 7 During the reign of Akhenaten:

A. monotheism permanently replaced polytheism in ancient Egypt.
B. foreign affairs were ignored and Syria and Palestine were lost.
C. Thebes was replaced by Cairo as the capital.
D. the Hyksos invaded the Nile Valley.

Question 8 Which of the following correctly describes Harappan civilization?

A. It showed no similarity to the civilizations of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia.
B. Its culture never attained the status of a true civilization.
C. It was much more agricultural than its contemporaries in Egypt and Mesopotamia.
D. It was a collection of over fifteen hundred towns and cities, ruled by landlords and rich merchants.

Question 9 The Aryans:

A. were an Indo European people who spoke the German language.
B. crushed Mohenjo Daro when the Harappan Civilization was at its peak.
C. never controlled any of the Deccan Plateau.
D. were led by tribal chieftains who were called rajas.

Question 10 Chandragupta Maurya:

A. may have been a member of the army of Alexander the Great.
B. feared assassination and had a secret police.
C. was the last major Mauryan ruler.
D. worshiped the god, Mithras.

Question 11 A major religion that was founded by Mahavira in the sixth century was:

A. Daoism.
B. Jainism.
C. Chandrism.
D. Zoroastrianism.

Question 12 A key difference between Hinduism and Buddhism was that Buddhism:

A. claimed that each individual possessed an individual, reincarnatable soul.
B. believed in an unyielding caste structure.
C. was simpler, as it rejected the numerous Hindu gods.
D. required belief in a different, two tier caste system.

Question 13 The Mahabharata:

A. describes the peaceful relations between Aryan cousins.
B. primarily details the activities of Hindu rulers.
C. provides an elaborate discussion of the ethics of the dharma.
D. contains Krishna's sermon in which he advocates the value of success or failure as the paramount objective in all activities.

Question 14 Which of these ancient civilizations survived, intact, until the twentieth century?

A. Egyptian
B. Aztec
C. Hittite
D. Chinese

Question 15 The beginnings of civilization in China were:

A. delayed by the marauding raids of the Xia.
B. begun under the political organization of the Qin.
C. the result of a concentrated development of Kunming bureaucratic arrangements.
D. possibly first experienced under the Xia dynasty.

Question 16 The Shang dynasty:

A. came to power immediately after the Han dynasty.
B. was the only one in ancient China to master the widespread use of steel and the printing press.
C. equipped its army with two horse chariots.
D. was the first to employ over half of its people in various types of heavy manufacturing.

Question 17 The idea of the Mandate of Heaven was:

A. introduced in the Bhaghavadgita.
B. borrowed from Tibetan nomads in the fifth century B.C.E.
C. introduced by the Zhou dynasty and it served to legitimize its power.
D. contained in the Rites of Mao.

Question 18 During the Zhou dynasty, China:

A. abolished slavery in order to increase agricultural production.
B. large-scale water control programs were undertaken to regulate the flow of rivers and distribute water to the fields.
C. continued to consider merchants as the property of the Buddhist monasteries.
D. moved from a largely agricultural to an industrial society.

Question 19 The conversations between Confucius and his disciples are found in the:

A. Book of Changes.
B. Book of Histories.
C. Analects.
D. Book of Songs.

Question 20 "If the government seeks to rule by decree, and to maintain order by the use of punishment, the people will seek to evade punishment and have no sense of shame. But if the government leads by virtue and governs through the rules of propriety, the people will feel shame and seek to correct their mistakes." This statement reflects the ideas of:

A. Legalism.
B. Doaism.
C. Zhouism.
D. Confucianism.

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History: Describes the peaceful relations between aryan cousins
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