1. Which of one of the following is an disadvantage of multiple choice questions?
- are relatively easy to score
- poor writers are not penalized
- can be used to assess almost anyone
- limits the kind of content assessed
2. How can descriptive statistics be defined
- developing a research question
- identical to inferential statistics
- describing elements of distribution
- relating the data to a larger population
3. When computing the standard deviation what does it mean when the sum of the deviation about the mean is NOT 0
- the sat a set has at least one extreme score
- the data is too small
- the data set has a great amount of variability
- the mean of the data set was computed incorrectly
4. Which measure of variability describes the average deviation of each score from the mean
- mode
- mean
- range
- standard deviation
5. Which measure would be used to describe the average class ranking of algebra students?
- Median
- mean
- mode
- standard deviation