
Describes the approach you would use in marketing your


There are many variations in marketing plans. This abbreviated version captures the main ideas of most.

Fill in the outline with information that best describes the approach you would use in marketing your health communication intervention.

Topic: Elderly Adult Nutrition

I. Executive Overview

A. The reader should come away from this section with knowledge of what you are proposing and why your plan will work.

1. Introduce your company/agency

2. Explain how your company / agency is qualified for this task

B. Briefly describe the need for your intervention.

1. Overview the priority population at risk

2. Describe the problem facing the priority population

C. Provide an explanation of your intended intervention.

1. Provide goals and objectives (Use the BEHAVE form.)

2. Overview the project that will contain your intervention

3. Describe the project outcome of your intervention.

a. Short term (less than one year)

b. Long term (one year or greater)

II. The Customers (Market Review)

A. Provide a detailed description of your intended primary target audience (See NCI's Making Health Communication Programs Work, Stage 1.)

1. Behavioral-health-related activities or choices, degree of readiness to change a behavior, information-seeking behavior, media use, and lifestyle characteristics

2. Cultural-language proficiency and language preferences, religion, ethnicity, generational status, family structure, degree of acculturation, and lifestyle factors (e.g., special foods, activities)

3. Demographic-occupation, income, educational attainment, family situation, and places of residence and work

4. Physical-sex, age, type and degree of exposure to health risks, medical condition, disorders and illnesses, and family health history

5. Psychographic-attitudes, outlook on life and health, self-image, opinions, beliefs, values, self-efficacy, life stage, and personality traits

B. Briefly describe your intended secondary target audience.

III. The Product (Product Review)

A. Describe your product or service

1. What it is

2. What it offers

3. How it compares to similar products or services of competitors

B. Suggest any unique characteristics of your product or service that make it particularly effective.

IV. Strategies

A. Position

1. Imaging: What image would you like to portray?

2. Distinctiveness: What do you perceive to be your unique selling points?

B. Product

1. Features: What features and customer services will you emphasize?

2. Necessity: What is the importance to your target audience? How does it meet a need?

C. Price

1. Price: What prices will you will charge?

2. Value: Why is it worth the price?

D. Promotion

1. Selling points: What will you say about your business and product or service?

2. Promotional places (Channels): Where will you promote your product or service? Include names of specific publications, call letters for radio stations, etc.

V. Budget

A. Suggest a one-year projection on costs associated with the advertising and promotion of your product or service.

1. Itemize with unit costs

2. Offer subtotals and total costs

B. Justify your budget with explanations for the need of projected items and costs.

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Marketing Research: Describes the approach you would use in marketing your
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