
Describes how their chosen article can be used as an

Assignment Format/Requirements:

Each paper will consist of the following:

Summaries of a national policy issue or event as reported in a major news outlet.

A reflective response to the summaries, where the student describes how their chosen article can be used as an example of one or more terms, concepts, and theories covered in the class.

A link to the article.

You may choose to use one or more of the following news outlets for your assignment but are not just limited to these sources:

National/international: New York Times, Washington Post, BBC News, Politico.co, The Econo0mist.

Regional: Minneapolis Star-Tribune, St. Paul Pioneer Press, Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, Chicago Tribune, Cincinnati Enquirer, Boston Herald,Philadelphia Inquirer, Tampa Bay/St. Petersburg Times, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Houston Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle

For the purposes of this assignment, a news article is defined as a factual, non-opinionated account of a political issue/event that must be more than four (4) paragraphs in length. Opinion/Editorial pieces and blog entries are not acceptable sources.

Newspaper articles must have been published within this semester of the assignment submission date.

Summary length is proportional to article length. Since your papers should be 2 pages in length, your summary should be at minimum one paragraph (4-6 sentences) in length. In other words, one or two vague sentences do not constitute a summary and you will not earn full credit for your assignment.

All assignments must be double-spaced, using 12 point font and dropboxed to D2L. Handwritten and emailed assignments will not be accepted.

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Dissertation: Describes how their chosen article can be used as an
Reference No:- TGS02716847

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