
Describes a journey of anxiety and mental disorder issues


Literature Review (Anxiety Disorder)

This article focuses on lowering the anxiety of students while undertaking tests. Tests are meant to evaluate the performance of students, and therefore some students portray anxiety disorders due to fear of failure and its consequences. This article will assist me in gaining information in the project regarding ways and strategies for reducing anxiety.

This article looks into early detection of anxiety and ways to avoid the development of harder symptoms. In the article, scholars argue that appropriate resources to be used by teachers to deal with anxiety in schools is through school nurses. Nurses have been trained to utilize various screening tools and identify different symptoms, and therefore they can effectively establish anxiety symptoms and develop treatment strategies. This article emphasizes on scientific approaches to deal with anxiety, and therefore it will provide my project with more scientific information on anxiety disorders.

This article looks into anxiety is students as they connect with schools. In the article, the authors argue that decreased connections with schools increase anxiety and mental disorders. This article will provide my project with more information on anxiety in schools due to connectivity.

TED Talks, (2012, November 30). Surviving Anxiety: Solome Tibebu at TEDxTC.

In the Ted Talks with Salome, she describes a journey of anxiety and mental disorder issues and ways of dealing with stigma. This resource will assist in my project by looking into multi-modal sense regarding anxiety.

This website belongs to the ministry of education, and it deals with anxiety. This resource will assist in obtaining an in-depth definition of anxiety, recognized symptoms and also lead into crucial links on counseling and anxiety treatment. This website will assist my project in obtaining in-depth definitions and treatment strategies.

In this article, the authors look into the attachment theory and how it assists in reducing anxiety. In-depth connectedness increases attachments that bring about beneficial outcomes and reduces anxiety. This article will provide my project with information on effective strategies to reduce anxiety disorders with relative ease.

In this article, the study portrays that cognitive-behavioral therapy is more appropriate for adults that exhibit anxiety disorders. This article is useful for my project because it is evident that cognitive-behavioral therapy can also be applied to children with the mental disorder. This article will, therefore, provide my project with more information on treatment techniques.
Pietrangelo, Ann. (2014). Recognizing Anxiety: Symptoms, signs, and risk factors. Healthline.

Watkins, C. E., & Brynes, G. (2003). Anxiety disorders in children and adults. Northern County Psychiatric Associates.

This article consists of a section that reflects on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in children as well as adults. It also compares and contrasts the aspect of OCD in children and adults. OCD is categorized under anxiety, and therefore this article will provide more information on the disorder and medication for both children and adults.

Guerry, J., Prinstein M., Meter, A., & Southam-Gerow, M. (2014). What is CBT for youth anxiety? Effective Child Therapy.

This article provides various therapy techniques that can be used in children that are experiencing anxiety. It focusses on the usefulness of these techniques and ways of applying them. The article will provide my project with more information on reliable techniques and more insights from doctors and several associations regarding anxiety disorders.

Anxiety Disorders. (2009). National Institute of Mental Health.

This is a website that provides detailed information on anxiety in general. It exceeds and explores other disorders that include obsessive-compulsive disorders, panic disorder and also specific phobias. The article also encompasses treatment of anxiety disorders. This webpage is useful to my project because it will provide me with background information and other useful information regarding anxiety.
Anxiety and Depression Association of America. (2015).

This is a useful website resource that provides explanations on various disorders and links the disorders with in-depth information. This page will be useful for my project because it provides the common disorders among children, their signs and symptoms as well as treatment.

While the bulk of your time for assignment will be spent evaluating the literature you've chosen, you will also compose brief descriptions of the relevance of each source and its application to your project. You are to submit an annotated bibliography, referencing all of your sources.

For each of the chosen sources, write a two- to three-paragraph annotation and description

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Other Subject: Describes a journey of anxiety and mental disorder issues
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