Help with a code file that contains a definition of a class point that describes a dot in a two-dimensional space, and a class Circle that describes a circle by the center of the circle, R, and its radius.
I have to use this function, def __lt__(self, other) : which compares two circles based on Comparison criterion: The maximum x coordinate of the points on the circle.
It also should Check that insertion_sort correctly sorts the list of circles created by the given function create_circles_list.
Here is a sample of a possible run:
>>> circles = create_circles_list(4)
>>> print circles
[c = (8,7) r = 13, c = (4,7) r = 12, c = (4,6) r = 0, c = (5,0) r = 3]
>>> insertion_sort(circles)
>>> print 'sorted:' circles
sorted : [c = (4,6) r = 0, c = (5,0) r = 3, c = (4,7) r = 12, c = (8,7) r = 13]