
Describeexplain your chosen strategy and its currect use


1. Topic:

note-taking strategies

2. Research Paper

In your paper, you will need to describe/explain your chosen strategy and its currect use. You will provide information on how this strategy can be implemented in the school settings.

Fully analyze the strategy you chose; consider the strategy's advantages, disadvatages, the different methods/varieties of its use, how it would be most effective in your future classroom, etc. Use examples from the article to support your personal reflection/reactions.

Make sure you provide valuable information pertaining to the strategy selected.


• Type your document using Microsoft Word (no other software program is acceptable).

• Your paper must be written in current APA format.

• You must have 4-5 pages (not including the title page, abstract, and reference page).

• You must use professional writing throughout your paper. Do not use contractions ("can't"), slang ("a lot").

• Do not use first person ("I") in your paper.

• A minimum of 6 sources are required; at least 4 of the 6 sources must be journal articles. You may use any of your journal articles selected for you Journal Article Reviews as sources for your paper.


• Include a title page with the name of the paper, your name, course number, and a running head.

• Type short heading and page number at upper right margin on each page. [In Microsoft Word, click "View" and then "Header and Footer."]

• Prepare an abstract (following the title page) to summarize the paper in 1 paragraph. (To begin a new page in Microsoft Word, click "Insert" and then "Page Break")

• Type the references page at the end of the paper.

• Double-space the paper.

• Follow the 4 page minimum for the paper (includes text only; this page count does not include the title page, abstract, or references page).

• Cite sources within the paper in the form (author, year). Every source cited in the paper must be on the reference page; every entry on the reference page must be cited in the paper.

Sample Special Education Journals:

• American Annals of the Deaf

• American Journal on Mental Retardation

• Behavior Disorders

• Beyond Behavior

• Clearing House

• Diagnostique

• Education and Training in Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities

Exceptional Children

• Exceptional Parent

• Focus on Exceptional Children

• Gifted Child Quarterly

• Journal for the Education of Gifted

• Journal of Learning Disabilities

• Journal of Special Education

• Language and Speech

• Physical Therapy

• Remedial and Special Education

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Dissertation: Describeexplain your chosen strategy and its currect use
Reference No:- TGS02881797

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