Destination Cleveland company research proposal
The purpose of this proposal is to show the client and instructor that you have a well-developed plan in place for research. The more specific detail that is included in your plan, the more convincing it will be. Secondary research is required for this plan as is the development of a survey questionnaire, and focus group pre-session assignment and discussion guide. This paper is an attempt to ensure that the research you gather will be useful and accurate.
Primary research:
Identify specific research questions that will be addressed by primary research
Verify that the questions will address client needs and provide information necessary for situation analysis
Focus Group
Describe recruitment plan (How will you find participants representative of demographic breakdown of Cuyahoga County?)
Describe your screening process and qualifications for acceptance
Describe pre-session assignment or preparation required of participants prior to focus group
Describe your preparation procedures (team roles, print outs, videos, location, etc.)
Attach a full-developed pre-session assignment and discussion guide.