Choose an operations problem from real world businesses. You will be asked to post a brief abstract for your problem on iLearn. Do not use a business example that is introduced in the textbook or already posted by your peer student.
Describe your problem and discuss the strategy or method the business has used for the problem. Or, you can develop a defensible solution for the business (e.g. applying an analytical/quantitative method if applicable).
Discuss the limitations of the strategy/method(s) you are presenting (e.g. situations for which the strategy/method may and may not be appropriate to apply).
The last class of the semester (or the last two classes, depending on the number of students in class) will be used as a discussion session. Each student will be asked to present the content of his/her paper to the class in a concise manner (e.g. the business background, the definition of the operations problem, how the problem has been handled) and answer questions if any.
Power point is not required for your presentation. Please be well prepared for the content you will present. Do not just read line by line from your slides or notes for your presentation.
Term paper is worth 5 points, so is your presentation.
The paper is due by the last class of the semester. You should have the paper typed and follow the recommended format by School of Management.
You may be required to participate in the use of Turnitin (
1 Turnitin is a service used by Marist College faculty to compare a student's written work with its very large database of sources, student papers from other institutions, and the like, to check for originality. Work submitted to Turnitin will be used only for purposes of assessing originality, and will not be shared beyond Turnitin or used for any other purpose.