
Describe your plan in as much detail as possible

Personal Sustainability Plan Assignment

Length: 2000-2500 words.

Purpose: The purpose of this individual assignment is to illustrate what you have learned in the course and how you can apply that learning to your own life and community. As such, the assignment is meant to showcase what you have learned in SUST 201.

Logistics: A breakdown of the various parts of the assignment is provided below. Use headings to make it clear that you have included all aspects of the assignment. Ensure all parts of the assignment are in one document. Although the main focus of the assignment is you and your own life, you must include other voices-that is, to incorporate material from the course readings, guest speakers, videos, class discussions, and elsewhere where appropriate throughout the assignment.

You need to show evidence meaningful engagement with the course material and how it has impacted you. This material should be sourced and documented using Chicago citation style. Students will upload their assignments in Blackboard, except for the creative part, which you will bring to class and give to their respective primary instructor on the last day. Components (Total 35 marks)

1. Identify Your Core Values

1) Tell us a story about some formative experience(s) that have shaped your views around sustainability.

2) Provide a list of your personal core values for each of the four pillars of sustainability. Provide a brief explanation of each value, drawing on course materials to support your ideas. Your values should include what is most important to you and what gives your life meaning and purpose.

2. Identify Your Sustainability Interests:

Thinking about your personal core values, what particular aspects of sustainability are you interested in, or interested in learning more about? Identify 3-5 specific interests with supporting rationale. What is the origin of your interests? In what ways has the course influenced your interests? Include specific details as to why you are interested in these particular aspects of sustainability.

3. Present Your Plan:

- Identify short and long term goals (connected to personal core values and interests) for your sustainability plan and specific action items that will assist you in achieving them.

- You may want to think in terms of your education at MacEwan and elsewhere as well as your connections to the broader community. What relationships are you interested in cultivating in order to achieve your goals?

- Describe your plan in as much detail as possible, including the people, organizations and resources you can draw on to help you achieve your goals.

4. Create Your Own Creed and Creative Expression of Your Plan

a) Create your own Creed around sustainability, using Dr. MacEwan's Creed as a model or framework. Ask yourself: How are my personal core values about sustainability reflected in my creed? Make it your own, make it applicable to your world, today's world (legend has it that Dr. MacEwan scribbled his creed on a napkin, so you can be creative with what you use for this part.)

b) Create some kind of original piece of visual or performance art that captures your personal sustainability plan. This could be a drawing, a painting, a sculpture, a poem, a song, video, photo mosaic, spoken word, food or plant creation, carving, diorama, anything-so long as it is inspired by and/or illustrates your personal core values, creed, sustainability interests and goals.

You will turn in your creative piece in class, and will be able to pick it up after it is graded. You must include/attach a brief explanation of your creative piece (100-200 words).



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Basic Statistics: Describe your plan in as much detail as possible
Reference No:- TGS02127607

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