
Describe your personnel selection system

Assignment: LASA2: Leadership Development and Recruitment Plan

Your supervisor has asked you to make some recommendations regarding the leadership skills necessary to successfully work through the merger at Banks. You have been asked to develop a standardized method of personnel selection for their hiring needs. This plan will be used in all of the company's operations, both domestic and foreign, as there are more open positions that will need to be filled quickly. It should support the company's goal of obtaining competitive advantage through talent management and acquisition.

Additionally, one of your first hiring needs involves recruiting electronics engineers with a BS degree and one year of experience in a manufacturing environment. The engineers will work a 12-month contract in China, after training in Centervale for a two-week period. The candidates should be suitable for the company's current operations in Centervale and the subsidiary in China, as they will spend time at both locations. Skills in English and Chinese are preferred; however, English is required.

Your goal is to identify the most qualified candidates for the job while keeping in mind the unique nature of work environments that require overseas travel.

Create a 12 - 15 page report to your supervisor that will include the development of a recruitment plan. Reference any cultural and legal differences as well as challenges that are likely to arise. Cite at least 6 scholarly references, including direct reference to applicable laws and relevant studies. Illustrate the following questions in your report using correct APA formatting.

Part 1 Development of the Recruitment Plan

• Describe your personnel selection system

• Describe the implementation of the selection system at multiple locations

• Evaluate interpersonal issues such as cultural differences

• Describe the considerations made for varying employment laws

• Describe Expatriation and repatriation strategies and services that will be offered to this group of engineers

Part 2 Leadership Skills

• What leadership skills are most important to those working directly with the Chinese subsidiary?

• Develop a performance evaluation system for those identified as having leadership potential.

• Explain how to develop underperformers and keep top performers motivated in a multicultural environment.

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HR Management: Describe your personnel selection system
Reference No:- TGS01814392

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