
Describe your market positioning

Assignment Problem: Your partner and you have just purchased a 55-seat restaurant called Owens's. The business has been in operation since 1996. It was a vibrant restaurant for many years and the locals were faithful regulars. Over the last 20 years the business has been gradually waning. This overwhelmingly residential neighborhood saw its street widening, and vehicular traffic increasing to reflect the increased commercial presence. Real estate prices also rose dramatically making it difficult for young families to afford homes in the area, while those who bought their homes in the 80s and 90s sold at high profit to wealthy buyers. A few old timers are hanging on to their homes to see how high the market will go; they still come regularly.

You and your partner saw a golden opportunity given the shift in demographics and trends. Your examination of the business records and sales trends as well as your interviews with the current owners have revealed the following:

  • High employee turnover (68%)
  • Employees are hired through Kijiji
  • Menu is old school, 70% static. The static portion has not changed much in 20 years
  • Remaining customers are old school but faithful
  • Current owners don't know the food cost ratio but you calculate it out to 35%.
  • Two cooks have been employed by Owen's for over ten years. The others are parttimers or staff which has been employed for six months or less. Four cooks in the kitchen on a busy night, 3 cooks for lunch shifts is what the current structure is, however business has been less than full capacity. Senior kitchen staff earn $20/hour while the junior cooks earn Ontario's minimum wage. The owner currently assumes the role of floor manager and has 6 servers on duty on busy days and 4 on slow ones. They make servers' minimum wage (less than the official minimum wage - please research this) and make most of their earnings through tips.
  • The restaurant is open Tuesday to Saturday, closed Monday and Sunday


You are to redesign the restaurant into a whole new concept. Nevertheless, you want to be respectful to the neighbourhood tradition Owen's has become and to its faithful customers. Given the increase in commerce and competition, Owen's no longer has to be "all things to all people", and you decide to venture into a hyper-specialized niche which will make your establishment different from the growing number of casual restaurants in direct competition with you.

As such you will ONLY have Five items on your menu. Your menu could be static or market, or hybrid. As the restaurant is licensed for 55 seats, you must retain dine-in but you ALSO decide to offer take-out but not delivery. (Hint: this is how you increase capacity beyond 55 seats without incurring new expenses from delivery. However, there will be added costs which you must factor

Answer following based on the project of the following:

Question 1: Describe your new concept. What is the product, the style, the level of expense. Why did you choose this concept? Describe your competitive landscape and explain why your concept would work in that environment.

  • What are your vision, mission and goals?
  • What is working well with Owen's current business? What elements will you keep and why? What elements will be changed why?
  • You will be evaluated on your ability to integrate what you have learned about demographics and psychographics, food trends, concept and design.

Question 2. Describe your market positioning. As your concept and menu will be hyper-specialized, explain what kind of competitive landscape such a concept would thrive in. Why do you think your market is ready for your concept?

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Marketing Management: Describe your market positioning
Reference No:- TGS03213820

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