
Describe your inpression of the boys charecter in the

From the short story entitled "The Conjurer Made off with the Dish" written by Naguib Mahfouz translated from the Arabic by Denys Johnson-Davis. Please answer the questions below.

1. At the beginning, how old do you think the narrator is? What is this estimation based on?

2. Describe your inpression of the boy's charecter in the beginning.

3. Do you change your estimation as the story unfolds? If so why?

4. Consider the way the boy tells the story, what do his sudden shifts of attention and constant upon the immediate present tell us about the boy?

5. In what way is the girl shown to be similar to the narrator?

6. Do you notice any changes in the boy's charecter as the story unfolds? If so how?

7. Consider what the boy sees while he's waiting for the girl to return and his reaction to the incident. How different does the world outside his house seem to him now than his previous view of the world?

8. Read the last paragraph of the story again. Describe your impression on the boy's situation at the end.

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English: Describe your inpression of the boys charecter in the
Reference No:- TGS0902466

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