
Describe your greatest fears related to getting your degree

Assignment task:

Please keep the following in mind:

In your main post, put headings for Part A and Part B. Headings will allow your classmates and instructor to respond more specifically to your ideas.

Write your discussion posts in Microsoft Word, so you can take advantage of the spell and grammar checkers. Then, copy and paste your work to the discussion board.

NOTE: Microsoft Office (a cluster of software programs that includes Word) is free for all Walden students.

Do not submit discussion posts as attachments.

Consider posting before the deadlines and exceeding the response requirements to make our discussion areas as dynamic and interesting as possible. The goal is to have an ongoing conversation, one you return to several times throughout the week as it evolves.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.

Submit Part A and Part B as a single post.

Part A:

In the Week  Worksheet, you brainstormed specific goals, skills, and accomplishments you will work towards over the course of your career. Pursuing goals, skills, and accomplishments, however, happens in the real world where rent is due, family members are getting married, babies need to be fed, and a million other details compete for your attention. With this in mind, describe your concerns.

In at least one paragraph (5-7 sentences), describe your greatest fears related to getting your degree and achieving your career goals.

Part B:

Click the link below for David Kelly's TED Talk, How to build your creative confidence.

Kelly, D. (2012, March). How to build your creative confidence.

Click to access the "How to build your creative confidence" transcript

In Part A of this discussion, your revision journey began. On this path, it is necessary to get outside of your own perspective. You make yourself vulnerable to others because your thoughts and ideas are sitting on the page for anyone to critique. However, there are many fearful experiences that are both necessary and rewarding. In David Kelly's TED Talk, he outlines a process to navigate fears and unlock creativity. Think about these things, as you listen to Kelly's talk.

In at least one paragraph (5-7 sentences), please do the following:

Introduce the TED Talk by author and title and tell what it is about in your own words.

Think back to the fears you describe in Part A and reflect on what you can do to change the way you see and/or deal with them. In the TED Talk, the inventor of the MRI machine re-designed the experience for children, to help alleviate their fears. How can you re-design or revise your own thoughts, ideas, and perceptions to see this journey in the most positive and empowering way?

At some point in your answer, use a direct quote from the TED Talk and follow it with at least one sentence of your own analysis of the quote. Use the written transcript below the TED Talk to find a quote.

Make sure to touch on each of the topics/questions in the bullets above, and feel free to explore any other related ideas.

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