
Describe your first impression of the main dashboard

Assignment task:

MATOMO Open Source Demo

For this Week discussion we are going to do something a little different for the discussion. You may create an MP3 audio file or Video file (your choice) to answer the following topic of discussion. This type and kind of assignment will be very useful in gaining confidence and speaking ability in the workplace. Be sure to review the grading rubric. Your length of your audio will be determined by you, as long as all the bulleted points are addressed fully, you will be fine. You may have to complete several audio files for each topic if you wish or one large file.

Your Topic: MATOMO (formerly Piwik) is a free open source web analytics tool that you can install on your own web server. At the main dashboard screen, conduct a site review of the working demo; explore the many metrics the tool offers. As a class discuss the following in your submission:

Describe your first impression of the main dashboard

Explain what you are seeing in the metrics displayed

Explain where you visited in the demo site and what were the most interesting tools you found and why

Describe how a tool of this sort will benefit a company large or small

Describe how JavaScript tags can benefit an organization in understanding the trends and patterns of the site visitors and customers.

Class: First, go to the link and watch the video demonstration:

Next - Overview Learning the Features of MATOMO (formerly Piwik):

Why Piwik Matomo is a great software for web analysts: the analyst Matomo suitcase example (YouTube Video)

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Other Subject: Describe your first impression of the main dashboard
Reference No:- TGS03440935

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