
Describe your findings what are your goals for the future


Scenario: You are the CEO of Peace & Prosperity Hospital. As part of your duties, you are tasked to give a brief annual report to hospital administrators and managers. Your report focuses on cost, inpatient census, and patient satisfaction. You will create a brief PowerPoint presentation (no more than 10 slides) to illustrate the data for each topic. Data can be found in the file attached below titled "Team Project Data". Use this data to create appropriate graphs to be inserted in the PowerPoint presentation. Groups will be assigned in Week Two (2).

Submit one single document for review.

1. Slide #1: Title Page (Should represent an introductory slide, giving the title of the presentation, facility, and presenters).

2. Slide #2: Provide an introduction to the three topics; cost, inpatient census, and patient satisfaction.

3. Slide #3-4: Create and present a column graph of actual profit over the 12 months in the previous year. Add a line to the graph to show target profit. (Note: Target profit is based on historical data used to determine budgeting for the year.) Discuss the data.

4. Slide #5-6: Create and present a column graph to illustrate hospital inpatient census over the same time period. Make sure key comments describing the data are included in the slides. Discuss trends seen in the data and any noticeable skew in the data.

5. Slides #7-8: These slides will focus on patient satisfaction.

6. Create and present a chart to show patient satisfaction per department.

7. Describe your findings. What are your goals for the future?

8. Slide #9: The last slide is dedicated to the overall conclusions.

9. Slide #10: Reference Page (must adhere to APA formatting guidelines, provide a list of all resources and references utilized for the completion of the team project)

Hint: To add "Target Profit" as a line graph to the column graph for "Actual Profit", you must first graph both data sets in one column graph. Then select the data series for "Target Profit" (click on the columns so that all columns for "target profit" are selected) and change the chart type to "line graph". As long as only the data set for "Target Profit" is selected, the other data set will not change.

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Dissertation: Describe your findings what are your goals for the future
Reference No:- TGS02301922

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