
Describe your experience with a consultant

Organizational development


Create a two- to three- page paper (excluding the title and reference pages) select a, b, or c from the list below and compare and contrast the change interventions.

a.Transitional and Transformational Change

b.First and Second Order Change

c.Operational and Strategic Change

You should use at least two scholarly journal articles that reference the selected change interventions, in addition to the text, and format your paper according to APA style guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

1.Ethical Consulting [CLOs: 1,2,3]

A company that needs help with implementing a process you have little familiarity with has contacted you. Although you could most likely learn it, you would not be a subject matter expert in the period in which they need you. You are certain you could learn the process and could use the extra income, as your consulting has been a little slow. What are the implications for deciding not to take the assignment? What are the implications for taking the assignment? What would you do and why? Respond to two classmates' posts.

2.Experience with Consultants [CLOs: 1,2,3]

Describe your experience with a consultant, either from your place of employment (current or previous), in the community, or as the consultant yourself. Thinking of this week's lecture and the components of a contract, did he/she follow that process? If not, what was missed? Describe your experience.

If you do not have experience with a consultant, recall a situation from your experience where you would have benefited from having an OD Consultant. What would you have done as a consultant? Why? Respond to two classmates' posts.


Create a two- to three-page paper (excluding the title and reference pages) defining the various components of the roles and styles of Organizational Development Consultants (ODC). Based on your research, compare and contrast the roles and styles of an ODC and explain the role and style that would best fit you as an ODC.You need to utilize at least two scholarly sources (excluding your text) for this paper and your paper must be formatted according to APA style guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.


To participate in the following Discussion Forums, go to this week's Discussion link in the left navigation:

1. Forbes Article [CLOs: 2,5]

Read the Forbes article: "Every Leader Must be a Change Agent or Face Extinction." Given that change is interwoven in organizations today, a leader must be prepared for change in order to multiply growth opportunities. How can leaders remain ready for change and motivate their employees to embrace those changes? Respond to two classmates' posts.

2. Change Assessment [CLO: 2]

Referencing this week's lecture, assess the changes you have made in your personal or professional life and evaluate how well you maintained the change. Do you agree with the argument that change is easier to make than maintain? Why or Why not?


Personal Change CLOs: 1,2,4,5

Create a three- to four-page paper (not including the title and reference pages) describing the concept of a Force Field Analysis (FFA) and then creating an FFA on an issue in your life that you would like to change. Describe how the restraining forces impede your progress and develop an intervention strategy to enhance the driving forces to make change possible.

You should use at least two scholarly sources, in addition to the text, and format your paper according to APA style guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

1. Personal Intervention [CLOs: 1,2,3,5]

Reflect on this week's lecture and, based on your limited knowledge, would you say that you are a D, I, S, or C? Write that down, then follow the link, and take a free DiSC assessment. DiSC. Once you complete the assessment, compare it to your initial observation based on the lecture. Read your results and notice the % in the pie chart of your results. The highest percentage will be your dominant or default style. Keep in mind we all have all of the DiSC components in our behaviors and adapt when necessary. Based on your results, how do you feel this information could benefit your personal and professional life? Respond to two classmates' posts.

2. Teams [CLOs: 1,2,3,5]

Reflect on a team you currently belong to and see if you can identify Tuckman's stages of team development: Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing. What stage are you currently in? Did you find difficulties with any of the stages? How did you negotiate the storming phase?


Organizational Interventions [CLOs: 1,2,4,6]

Create a two- to three-page paper (excluding the title and reference pages), describing two types of Organizational Interventions used by corporations and the issues they address. Compare and contrast the interventions utilized by the corporations in your articles.

You must use at least two scholarly sources (which may be your scholarly/academic journal articles regarding Organizational Interventions), in addition to the textbook, and be formatted according to APA style guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.


1. Ethics [CLOs: 1,2]

Follow both of the following links and read the brief articles. In the first article: General Motors Misled Grieving Families on a Lethal Flaw, identify the key ethical issues and the accountability issues from an OD point of view. In the second article: As Mary Barra Returns To D.C., Can GM's Culture Really Change?, describe the challenges ahead of Mary Barra. Families Misled by GM, Mary Barra Returns. Respond to two classmates' posts.

2. Learning [CLOs: 1,2,3,5]

As you reflect on this week's lecture, describe the learning process in your organization. Does it take into account the varying generations? What does it do to capture learning and knowledge? What can your organization do to ensure future learning? Respond to two classmates' posts._

Final Paper
Action Research Project [CLOs: 1,2,3,4,5,6]

You have been hired as a consultant (to your current organization, previous organization, or a fictional organization). Describe and analyze a human resource/organizational problem(s) and recommend an organizational development strategy (ies). Provide a rationale as to why you think this approach will help. This will require a practitioner analysis of the organizational problem of interest and an academic literature review of similar organizational problems and organizational development strategy (ies) that you believe will be most beneficial in solving the problem. Also, provide an evaluation plan for the proposed intervention(s).

The plan should have the following headings:

a. Problem Identification

o Description of the organization

o Context of the problem:

How do you know it's a problem?

Specifically what is the problem (select from list below)?


Job Satisfaction


Performance Appraisals


Training & Development

b. Needs Assessment and Diagnosis

o Data collection

o Data analysis

c. Proposed Organization Development Interventions/Strategy(ies)

o Required resources

o Timeline

o Anticipated resistance

o Potential benefit(s), i.e. cost savings

o Suggested Evaluation Approach

o Summary/Conclusions

This final assignment should be 8 to 10 pages in length (not including the title and reference pages). You must use at least five scholarly sources and format your paper according to APA style guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center

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HR Management: Describe your experience with a consultant
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