Assignment task: Each Reflection Paper will focus on one of the two-week units that make up the first half of the course:
Reflection paper 2 will focus on Unit 2 "Histories and Legacies" (so a quotation from week 4 and a quotation from week 5)
Week4: Supplemental Resources: Two-Spirit and Indigenous LGBTQ Peoples Articles:
Vowel, C. (2014, April 24). Indigenous women and two-spirited people: Our work is decolonization. Guts Magazine (2).
1. Choose a short quotation (minimum 1 full sentence, maximum one short paragraph) from one of the assigned readings in each of the two weeks in the unit you are reflecting on. In other words, select two passages in total, one from each week in the Unit. Choose passages that you find particularly interesting or thought-provoking or challenging or disturbing or illuminating to quote. Include the two quotations that you have chosen, with an in-text reference for each, in your Reflection Paper. Then explain why you chose each passage. What did you find interesting/compelling/challenging/disturbing/ illuminating about each quotation? (
2. Describe your emotional reactions to each of the passages from the readings that you quoted in question 1 - and/or to the articles as a whole. How do you feel about each quotation/article? (Some options are intrigued, uncomfortable, surprised, pleased, displeased, angry, inspired, defensive, disbelieving, or impressed.) Why do you think you feel this way? What factors do you think influenced your emotional responses to these passages? Please be as specific as possible and remember that this question is about feelings rather than thoughts (you discussed thoughts in your response to question 1).
3. How do the quotations (or articles) you have chosen to focus on relate to your personal experiences outside this course? How could you apply what you have learned to your life outside this class (your social circle, family, work, other classes...)? Again, please be specific.
4. What parts of these readings are you still confused or unsure about? What further questions do you have about the topic/issues addressed in the readings or in the unit as a whole? What aspect(s) of this topic/issue would you like to learn more about?
You are welcome to comment on other aspects of the class (discussions, videos, exercises, assignments), but your mark for each Reflection Paper will be based on your answers to the questions above.