
Describe you need not write code how would convert the erd

Your particular part of the job is to design a database that keeps resume information.

Typical resumes consist of a job seeker and his/her contact information, employment objectives, work experience, education, skills, professional organizations, and publications.

Some of these can only appear once on a resume, other can appear multiple times.

Some of these need to be broken down more (e.g. work experience generally includes job title, start date, end date, employer, and description information).

Moreover, job seekers can have multiple resumes active that are targeted to different job types (e.g. software engineer, test engineer, web developer, etc.) Create a third normal form Crow's foot ERD that models the resume problem above.

Create the DDL statements that will build the appropriate tables, indices, and constraints.

Describe (you need not write code) how would convert the ERD and DDL into a set of object-oriented classes in PHP that represent the data model.

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Database Management System: Describe you need not write code how would convert the erd
Reference No:- TGS02885076

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