
Describe which theoretical models of career counseling

Discussion Board

Respond to Peers: Review several of your classmates' posts, and respond to at least two of your classmates, including at least one who selected a different video than you selected. You are encouraged to post your required replies earlier in the week to promote more meaningful interactive discourse in this discussion. Ask questions that might help to further your understanding of the discussion or take the discussion to a deeper level. What other theoretical models of career counseling might be useful to explain the observations your classmate made? Did your classmate identify any specific counselor behaviors which you also observed in the behavior of the counselor in the video you watched? Explain.

#1 Carrie Langston

Discuss the video's content in relation to career counseling. Be sure to include terminology from both the textbook and your chosen video in your post.

The video I choose was exploring career goal with a young African American. In this video a lady is questioning a young African American woman about her dreams of being an investigator. Those dreams altered a little because she was afraid to take the biology and math courses required. She changed to criminal justice and counseling and works as a parent educator. She still questions herself regarding following her dreams as an investigator. She reminds me a lot of myself.

Describe ways in which basic characteristics of science are relevant to career counselors.

Science is very important for counseling because counseling or psychology is a study of the mind or brain which is science.

Describe which theoretical models of career counseling appeared to be utilized by the counselor in the video. Explain your rationale.

The counselor seems to use the self-concept theory as she is really digging to help the lady see who she is and how powerful she is. She is trying to remind=d her of her dreams and why she should still try.

Describe counselor and client behaviors you observed that indicated the counselor was working with the client in a culturally effective manner.

The counselor seems very in tuned with the client. She is challenging her, yet she is still being caring and effective. The client is clearly answering the counselor and willing get the work done so to speak. Although she seems to contradict herself some.


McCarthy, C. J., DeLisi, M., Getzfeld, A. R., McCarthy, C. J., Moss-King, D. A., Mossler, R., Privitera, G. J., Spence, C., Walker, J. D., Weinberg, R. S., & Youssef-Morgan, C. M. (2016). Introduction to applied behavioral science [Electronic version].

#2 Sharon rosinski.

Describe ways in which basic characteristics of science are relevant to career counselors.

In both characteristics of science and career counselors you have an objective of some kind in there. There is also systematic exploration in both of them.

Describe which theoretical models of career counseling appeared to be utilized by the counselor in the video. Explain your rationale.

The counselor asked about her dreams and then they talked about what she wanted to do and what she had researched. She had looked in to nursing and she looked in to the program at the end she decided to go in for counseling.

Identify usage trends of applied behavioral science by providing examples of the typical components of career intervention presented in the textbook that you observed in the video. Explain your rationale.

When you are looking for a job you have to have a plan just like anything else in life. You have to make calls and remember to check in on those calls. You have to work on your resume and keep it updated as well.

Describe counselor and client behaviors you observed that indicated the counselor was working with the client in a culturally effective manner.

Counselor was listening to what the client had to say and she was repeating when she thought that it was needed. She is keeping eye contact and shaking her head in approval.

McCarthy, C. J., DeLisi, M., Getzfeld, A. R., McCarthy, C. J., Moss-King, D. A., Mossler, R., Privitera, G. J., Spence, C., Walker, J. D., Weinberg, R. S., & Youssef-Morgan, C. M. (2016). Introduction to applied behavioral science [Electronic version].

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