Exercise 1
Please think of 2 products/software interface/systems you used/use/experienced that violate any of the mentioned Norman's design principles Kitchen, home, car, public transport, ATM, computer, tablet, mobile
Record your answers in your workbook
Describe which principles are violated and why giving clear explanations.
Exercise 2 - Bad Designs
Recently, a false alarm associated with the threat of a missile in Hawaii generated a lot of controversy
The following article explains: Hawaii's missile alert gaffe: why good human-machine design is critical
(also on vUWS)
Read the article and discuss how it explains:
Why the false alarm/mistake attributed to ‘bad' HCI or bad UI design
How we can alter, change, adapt designs and the context they function in to avoid similar anomalies in the future
Exercise 3
We brie?y discussed the importance of culture as a variable to consider when designing interfaces
Read Don Norman's article
Does Culture Matter for Product Design? (a PDF is also available on vUWS)
Brie?y summarise his main view points as to why he thinks culture's in?uence on HCI may not be as important as we think
Do you agree with his views? Would his arguments (which are mainly intended for physical products) also apply to software/GUIs/etc?
Exercise 4
In Lecture 1 we discussed some interesting novel interfaces, one of them is Leap Motion:
The video showcases some interesting applications of Leap Motion (arts, entertainment, etc)
After watching the video what do you think are the pros and cons of mid air gestural interfaces (such as Leap Motion)?
Discuss your initial thoughts about the project with your tutor. Write any re?ections and a status report (1 paragraph) of where you are at the moment with the understanding of the project and discuss any questions with your tutor. It is ?ne to not ?nalize a project topic this week. In the tutorial of next week, i.e. Week 3 you will be provided with suf?cient opportunities to decide a topic; however please use today to short list a few possible topics
Also make sure you have understood the learning guide directing any questions to the tutor before you leave