
Describe whether lifestyle eating choice has health benefits

Assignment Task:

THEME: We've all dieted at some point and it often has to do with losing weight.  It's all about figuring out what it means to eat healthfully and if any of the claims of these CIAM modalities (listed below) achieve that goal. There are many lifestyle eating choices that are focused on better health. Now, what "better health" is, or how to achieve it, is a source of endless debate among food experts (and, maybe, your friends). On top of that, we all have childhood "comfort foods," which are hard to do without. There are a number of lifestyle eating choices which fall into the CIAM category. As always they are controversial, as there is no consensus (or conclusive scientific evidence) as to whether they actually promote "better health" (or will cure your illness) - but still, people swear by them.

TOPIC SELECTED: 100% plant-based

Research the lifestyle eating choice and decide how long you'd like to try it. Then describing and analyzing

(its history, why chose it, how long on your lifestyle eating choice, and the experience with the lifestyle eating choice. Describe whether this lifestyle eating choice has health benefits (why or why not), or if there are things concerned about).

Use (at least) 3 non-web page sources to describe and support ideas about this lifestyle eating choice.

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Other Subject: Describe whether lifestyle eating choice has health benefits
Reference No:- TGS03264778

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