
Describe when to use a semi-colon, a colon

Problem 1: What is a Works Cited Page and where does it come in your research essay?

Problem 2: In Text Citation

Use an Asterisk (*) to indicate where In-Text Citation is needed in this paragraph. Then explain briefly why In-Text Citation is needed in each instance.

Tigers are now nearly extinct in the wild. Estimates suggest that there may be as few as 5,000 tigers left in India. According to the biologist Jessica Hoffman in her book The Vanishing Species, " The tiger' s frequency in art and popular culture may actually work against it, as many people assume the animal they see so often in pictures must still be in plentiful supply in real life." The book Nature's Copy goes even further, arguing that many of the well-loved fauna found in zoos, storybooks, cartoons, and on decorations in children's bedrooms may soon exist nowhere else but in captivity and in our imagination.  All of these points serve to remind us that natural resources do not just include inanimate things and that the irreplaceable loss of the wild tiger is dangerously close to a reality.

Problem 3: Describe when to use a semi-colon, a colon?

Problem 4: Why would you use brackets when quoting from a source?

Problem 5: Why would you use ellipsis when quoting from a source?

Ex: Sherry Turkle writes, "the little devices...change who we are" (94).

Problem 6: There are two fragments in the following paragraph. Find them and correct them by either combining them with another sentence or adding what is missing to make them into a sentence of their own.

An author once wrote that, "What we learn in the classroom is not an education but the means of an education." What this quote is saying is that school is where we learn the tools that we will use to teach ourselves. For the rest of our lives. Learning does not only happen in school. We also learn at home. And at work. A good education should give a person the reasoning, writing and reading skills that he or she will need in life.

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English: Describe when to use a semi-colon, a colon
Reference No:- TGS03360830

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