Describe what you learned about each organization


Summarize the major capital investments made by General Electric Company organization. Indicate what percent of the total assets these investments were during 2020 to 2022. Explain how the capital investments were financed. (Hint: use the cash flow statement and read applicable footnotes.) Estimate the cost of capital for financing. (Hint: use the formula interest expense/total debt and ascertain the return on equity to provide measures for the interest rate and the return to stockholders.)

a) Compare and contrast your overall findings in the financial statements of the service and manufacturing organizations.
b) Include information you found interesting about the accounting practices of each organization.
c) Describe what you learned about each organization through analyzing the accounting information.
d) Finalize the reference page with any additional sources utilized.

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Accounting Basics: Describe what you learned about each organization
Reference No:- TGS03352287

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