Article 2 questions
PART B: Answer the following questions. Do NOT retype the question.
- Describe what we mean by a law of science.
- Explain the danger of confusing a formula for a law of science.
- Explain why people get confused by formulas: such as those for Kinetic Energy and for Capital.
- Explain why laws of science are self correcting. How does this benefit us?
- Explain why laws based on dogma and axiom are not self correcting.
- Explain the danger of unchanging laws based on dogma and axiom.
- Describe how ignorance and human attitudes retard human progress.
- Outline how education is a tool to cure human errors.
- Why is politics outside of modern science?
- Explain how barbarian invaders did not cause the fall of Rome, and something else did. What caused it?
- How did the dark ages, from the fall of Rome get started? How could everyone forget things?
- Has modern society fully recovered from the dark ages?
Are there any modern examples of dark age thinking in our time? NOTE: In answering this question, many students jump to North Korea as an answer. It is always better to look INWARD at your own community--your own religion--or state, not outward whenever answer questions like this. I.e., look at your own society and answer the question. For example: Many scientists and educators feel that Utah is a perfect example of "dark age thinking", and so is small town America. Is there a difference between the "dark ages" of North Korea and that "dark age thinking" of Utahns? The scientific term for this phenomena is provincialism: people in places like Utah are extremely sheltered from the facts, from anything that might contradict the local faith or local political view, and even from their own history. This has an enormous impact on Business. Business is what we call "urbane", it must be open to the facts, no matter how upsetting they are. Several years ago American Stores began moving their corporate headquarters to Salt Lake, because they thought it was a good place to run a world class global business. Six months after moving to Salt Lake they suddenly packed up and left. I interviewed the president of the company at the time, and she told me why. "Salt Lake has been pitching itself as a great place for business, because of what they call 'a good work ethic', but the truth is simply they are so sheltered from real world business that they are naive. Naivety is not good for business, ever." Now, try to answer this question by using examples around you. Who around you uses Dark Age thinking? Fully explain yourself, and be prepared to defend your answer.